• Membership Tiers

    Born2BeBasic - $3.99AUD

    - Use of special Icons and emojis, Attendance not required (must be there to enter, don't need to be their to claim*.)

    Born2BeGolden - $14.99 AUD

    - Free pack at end of Month

    -All Golden squad go into a race for a Slab at end of Month. (5 members need to be in the tiers for this is happen, if not the 4 that are will receive a number of Packs!)

    Become A Member Today 
  • Point System

    Points are accumulated when you chat and watch the livestream.

    700 - Chug Borny (!redeem failjuice)

    1000 - Extra Ticket into a Giveaway (!redeem extraticket)

    4000- Free Pack** (!redeem freepack)

    *Only claim one free pack per stream.

    *Based of availability of packs

  • Borny's Chases

    Click the link below to discover what Borny and Mickey chasers are. Trade Bait is not included currently; however, we have numerous of cards available. We can arrange a deal (trade/sell) if you have any we are chasing.

    Borny's & Mickey's Chases 

Live Giveaways Winners

Won a Giveaway on the Live Yotube Channel, check out if you still need to claim your giveaway.

Have I Won?

Who Has Trade Bait With Us?

Listed Below are The Legends who have Trade Bait with us:

  • Jakes Dog Grease
  • MasterMoon Rabbit
  • Steven
  • Mimikyu
  • Emily Silver

Curious about what they have? Reach out to the legend above or Borny/Mickey to let you know.

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